Sabtu, 12 Maret 2011

How To Find Genuine Work At Home Opportunities

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The Internet has exploded with opportunities for those who are looking for an additional stream of income or want to break away from their current 9-5 and have more flexibility while working at home.

There isn’t a single type of person that wants to work from home. It can run the gamut from the stay-at-home moms who want to find opportunities to the executive who has recently been laid off and needs to find something in the meantime to tide himself over. Whether you simply want to make a little extra cash or you are trying to bridge the gap between full-time to flex-time work, there is something for everyone who is looking to find a work at home opportunity.

But, how do you find the right opportunities for yourself? If you have done any research at all, you will realize that there is not a shortage of scams out there. You have to be prudent in your choices so you don’t end up spending time or money on a so-called opportunity that is of little to no worth. Here are some legitimate sources that will help you on the road to freedom and flexibility.
What Opportunities Are There Out There?

1. Freelance Writing

Freelance writing is an opportunity that does not necessarily require a lot of experience though it is helpful if you have it. There are countless topics that clients are willing to pay to have content written for and you do not have to be an expert in order to write about it. If you do the right kind of research, freelance writing can be a lucrative endeavour. There are a many reputable sites such as oDesk and Freelance that offer thousands of opportunities at a time.

Another way to find resources for freelance writing is to network. If you know someone who is already writing from home, then ask him or her how they got started. You may be surprised how many opportunities come from putting yourself out there and asking the right questions.

2. Customer Service or Technical Support

If you want to continue working in a field that you are familiar with or have experience such as customer service, sales or technical support, there are sources out there that can help. Sites like Arise and Solo Gig have listings for a variety of consulting or contract positions. For Arise, you must become certified as an Arise Certified Professional. Once this happens, you are in control and have the ability to choose which clients you will work for, how many hours, etc. Solo Gig lists offers that need to be filled quickly. If you are skilled in the technical or professional arena, you can find positions that need placement as soon as possible.

3. Odd Jobs and Tasks

There is a growing community of employers who do not have the time to complete a variety of tasks. These tasks can range from the very simple to the more complicated. For example, there may be jobs that require creating a spreadsheet or another that wants to have forms filled out online. It really could be anything but the common factor is that it is a task that usually does not require a lot of time. There are sites where you can find many different types of short term offers. A couple of examples are Short Task and Live Work.

Finding legitimate work opportunities from home can be extremely time consuming if you don’t know where to look. If you are able to streamline your efforts then you can put that energy into finding the right job that will allow the flexibility and freedom you have been longing for!

Jumat, 25 September 2009

What Would You Prefer: Job Or Your Own Internet Business?

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Do you have the right attitude to setup a profitable business on internet? What you will do if you will face some initial failure while starting your internet business? I don't know you are aware with this fact or not, but it is true that out of 100 who start their internet business 95 people end up with a huge failure. The biggest reason behind this is that they are not accepting the fact that internet business takes some time to get settled. If you think today you start your internet business and from tomorrow you will start earning money, then you are wrong. Internet business is not a job where you will get your salary on the 1st day of every month. It is like a tree which takes time and efforts to grow, but once it is grown up, it will start giving fruits for a life time. In fact it will become like a cash generating machine that will give you money automatically. You have to make a plan considering your internet business goals. You have to work hard to finish each and every phase of your plan within proper time limit. If you will not work according to your plan, then it's very hard for you to reach your end goal. You should note down the status of your work at the end of every day and then analyze what is going wrong with your system. You should keep educating yourself by reading tons of e-books about internet business system. You can get new ideas in your system to make your business successful. You have to keep eyes on the movement of latest marketing technology coming in the world of internet business. You have to build healthy relationship with your site members and keep providing them latest information about your niche.

Writted by: Murtuza Tinwala

Senin, 31 Agustus 2009

Test Your Way to Success

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A lot of new marketers listen to one marketing guru or another and think that what they’ve just learned is the gospel.

They learn that “this always works” or “that always works”…but that’s rarely the case.

What is the case is that almost every situation is different. There are lots of things that work better more often than not, but there is nothing I know that works every single time it’s used, regardless of the topic, and regardless of the traffic.

In other words, the tactics you’d use to get people to buy T-Shirts from your online T-shirt shop won’t necessarily get a CEO to hire an attorney.

Make sense?

If everything worked the same all the time, there would be only one style of web page, and it would always say and do the same thing — no matter what was being sold.

So how do you figure out what works?

You test.

“Yech” you might say. I’ve hated tests since kindergarten. But that’s not the kind of test I’m talking about here.

We’re talking about split tests.

Also called “A/B tests”, split tests work like this:

You look at your web page and think to yourself “What one thing on this page could either cause someone to buy from me or cause them not to buy from me.”

If you can’t think of something on your own (price, the product name, the offer, the page layout…and on an done) then you can try the headline.

The headline is often hugely influential in whether someone reads a web page or not.
And as a result, it’s also hugely influential in whether someone buys or not — since people who don’t read a page are seldom to buy the item being offered on it.

So let’s say you’re going to test the headline on your page.

To split test your headline, make two identical web pages. Leave the original headline on one page, and put a new headline on the second page.

Then, use some programming, or a split testing tool, to split your traffic equally between the two pages, and count the sales coming from each one.

So let’s say that after 100 sales, you find that 40 sales come from your original page, with your original headline, and 60 sales came from your new page with your new headline.

That test tells you that your new headline causes more sales than your old headline.

So what do you do next?

Well, your first job is to get rid of your old headline and replace it with the new one. Your second job is to now try to beat your new headline with one that does even better.

And your job doesn’t ever end.

Good marketers know that once you’ve got a website that makes you money, it’s far easier to make that website make even more money than to start working on a second site.

And that’s what a marketer’s job is — to constantly test and improve the performance of his website.

We do it at the MMC, and top marketers do it all over the world.

Oh, and if you don’t have a split testing tool already, check out Google’s Website Optimizer. We’ll be doing some work directly with the GWO in the coming weeks and months in the MMC. And we’ve got some magical tools that are even better that we’ll be telling you about, too.

But for now, if you’ve got nothing else, try Google’s tool.

It works…and it’s free.

More info on split testing to come.

To your success,


Test Your Way to Success

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A lot of new marketers listen to one marketing guru or another and think that what they’ve just learned is the gospel.

They learn that “this always works” or “that always works”…but that’s rarely the case.

What is the case is that almost every situation is different. There are lots of things that work better more often than not, but there is nothing I know that works every single time it’s used, regardless of the topic, and regardless of the traffic.

In other words, the tactics you’d use to get people to buy T-Shirts from your online T-shirt shop won’t necessarily get a CEO to hire an attorney.

Make sense?

If everything worked the same all the time, there would be only one style of web page, and it would always say and do the same thing — no matter what was being sold.

So how do you figure out what works?

You test.

“Yech” you might say. I’ve hated tests since kindergarten. But that’s not the kind of test I’m talking about here.

We’re talking about split tests.

Also called “A/B tests”, split tests work like this:

You look at your web page and think to yourself “What one thing on this page could either cause someone to buy from me or cause them not to buy from me.”

If you can’t think of something on your own (price, the product name, the offer, the page layout…and on an done) then you can try the headline.

The headline is often hugely influential in whether someone reads a web page or not.
And as a result, it’s also hugely influential in whether someone buys or not — since people who don’t read a page are seldom to buy the item being offered on it.

So let’s say you’re going to test the headline on your page.

To split test your headline, make two identical web pages. Leave the original headline on one page, and put a new headline on the second page.

Then, use some programming, or a split testing tool, to split your traffic equally between the two pages, and count the sales coming from each one.

So let’s say that after 100 sales, you find that 40 sales come from your original page, with your original headline, and 60 sales came from your new page with your new headline.

That test tells you that your new headline causes more sales than your old headline.

So what do you do next?

Well, your first job is to get rid of your old headline and replace it with the new one. Your second job is to now try to beat your new headline with one that does even better.

And your job doesn’t ever end.

Good marketers know that once you’ve got a website that makes you money, it’s far easier to make that website make even more money than to start working on a second site.

And that’s what a marketer’s job is — to constantly test and improve the performance of his website.

We do it at the MMC, and top marketers do it all over the world.

Oh, and if you don’t have a split testing tool already, check out Google’s Website Optimizer. We’ll be doing some work directly with the GWO in the coming weeks and months in the MMC. And we’ve got some magical tools that are even better that we’ll be telling you about, too.

But for now, if you’ve got nothing else, try Google’s tool.

It works…and it’s free.

More info on split testing to come.

To your success,

Senin, 13 Juli 2009

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PPC (Pay per Click) merupakan cara lain menhasilkan uang lewat internet, pasti dari kebanyakan orang yang memiliki situs web/blog telah mengetahui keadaan PPC. ternyata selama ini anggapa saa terhadap bisnis PTC sangat keliru, ya karena saya menganggap bisnis itu hanya menghabiskan waktu saja karena hasilnya yang sangat minim dan sedikit sekali. nah dengan mengandalkan bisnis PTC ternya banyak sekali orang yang sukses meraup dollar ataupun rupiah. cara untuk meraup dollar lewat program PTC tergolong mudah, asal kita mau telaten dan tentunya butuh kesabaran. soalnya banyak juga orang yang karena ga sabar lalu meninggalkan bisnis PTC tersebut, namun pada akhirnya menyesal ssetelah mengetahui cara sukses bisnis PTC. kunci sukses dalam bisnis PTC adalah kejelian kita dan kesabaran, namun ada hal lain yang sangat mendominasi kesuksesan kita.

Anda pasti juga sedah kenal situs web mana saja yang menyediakan layanan PPC seperti yang diindonesia :
1. Kumpul Blogger
2. Adsensecamp
3. Klik Saya
4. masih banyak lagi yang lainnya..

Situs luar yang menyediakan layanan yang sama yaitu :
1. Google Adsense
2. Adbrite
4. Masih banyak lagi yang lain

Nah ingin tahu caranya meninbgkatkan penghasillan PPC anda, sedikit saya berikan informasinya yaiotu dengan :

1. Tingkatkan lah Traficc anda. Ini yang paling utama karena apa? dengan traffic kita tinggi maka semakin banyak kemungkinan pengunjung yang dapat mengklik iklan yang kita punya.

2. Ajak teman anda untuk salng bertukaran link. Ini salah satu cara untuk meningkatkan traficc dan penghasilan PPC kita.

3. Bahaslah topik mengenai HandPhone, Gadgets, Video apalah yang lainya yang penting sekilas mengenai teknologi, karena bahasan topik mengenai ini sangat rentan dengan pengunjung sehingga dapat juga meningkatkan penghadiln PPC kita.

4. Daftarkan blog anda di search engine dengan begitu semakin banyak pengunjung kita dan SEO kita juga menentukan hal tersebut.

5. Nah yang satu ini sangat penting walau sedikit berbahaya untuk Google Adsense, ajaklah teman anda untuk saling mengklik kilan yang ada diblog kita, dengan imbalan kita balik mengklik iklan yang mereka punya. mungkin ini cara yang ampuh untuk meningkatkan penghasilan PPC kita.

Nah sedikit cara in iyang dapat saya berikan walau sedikit tapi mungkin dapat membantu anda sema yang baru belajar untuk menhasilkan uang lewat dunia Internet...

Minggu, 14 Juni 2009

How To make Money Online 2

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Open FREE Internet banking accounts to spend and receive payment online.
Disposable FREE email addresses.
An 'always online' connection to the Internet.
A dedicated credit card for the Internet.
Ways to make money on the Internet
Second, you need some income.

AlienTrust v3.0 Manual surf 25 sites daily to earn 10% daily for 13 days ( less 4% charge ).
$8 e-gold Ad-buy units to upgrade and advertise a page like this one. Free members can earn about $8 in a month by daily surfing and then use their earnings to upgrade.

Black Gold Surf is an autosurf program earning 12% of your $5+ stake daily for 12 days. So after 12 days you can withdraw your stake money plus 44% profit as long as you view 12 advertising pages daily that load automatically. Takes about 5 minutes a day. Deposits in e-gold in $5 increments and you need to upgrade before you surf, otherwise you have to wait till the next day. I buy upgrades every 6 days (max allowed $2,000) and so make 44% profit every 6 days. The site has been running since December 05 and has over 7,000 active members (22Feb06) growing by over 300 a day.

Vasco Investments - running since Dec05 and paying 1.8% to 3% per working day or about 45% to 86% compounded daily per month, depending on the amount deposited. Deposits start at $10 e-gold up to six figures. Withdrawals are on a daily basis and paid back into your e-gold account in minutes but usually within 12 hours. As of 22Feb06 there are 25,421 investors. proof of a test withdrawl

High Yield Investment Programs - HYIP, paying 20%+ interest after 1 to 4 days. So invest, say, $1,000 and collect $1,200 days later. Or do a 'rolling buy' and invest $250 each day for four days, repeat every fifth day and collect $50 profit each day thereafter on the same $1,000.
Minimum buy is $1 to $10 to prove to yourself it works before committing a real investment.
It is prudent to spread your money over many HYIP sites and spread the risk.

Class Act Clicks - A site run by Brian and Jessi, so will be honest and good. A great PTS ( paid to search ), PTC ( paid to click ), PTR ( paid to read ) and PTP ( paid to promote ) program and with a payout threshold of $9. Points also convert to cash which is a pleasant change. I have been paid twice by random payouts as well - that is, a payment into my PayPal account without even asking for payment! Great!

Here is a tutorial on how to make a valid search . It will take longer than the 10-40 seconds shown to finish loading three pages but if the advertiser doesn't get paid, he wont send the links in the future.

ItPaysToLearn is fun. Apart from earning from reading ' V-mails', by visiting sites and taking up offers, you have to get enough points each month answering quiz questions to get paid. You are then able to sell your points. I enjoy using this program and this is another program that really does pay. Sadly, some don't. I upgrade to gold level and so do well, but you can still earn several dollars a month as a free member.

Real-Cashs - another PTS program with a $2 minimum payout a month and paid very quickly.

Trickle income like this builds up a bank balance and gives you confidence.

Higher Payouts.

Normally I avoid very high payout programs where it sometimes takes a year to reach the minimum by which time the site may have vanished!


Aimed at UK/Euro surfers comparing prices of goods. You can buy almost anything at the best retail price and then get an added discount with Rpoints. Go to the page called 'recurring' where comparing prices with Kelkoo and others earns about 2p to 6p a click up to a max of about £1 a day. Ultra-cautious about awarding points, Rpoints take a week or more to check, then credit, your points and then a month or more to validate them before you can cash in. A good forum explains all this. But, once the ball is rolling and you're clicking every day, the cash rolls into PayPal at 100 points (£1) minimum a time and in £sterling too so you can have dollar and sterling PayPal accounts to save on exchange rates.

You WILL get paid with these programs; about $35 a month for just these PTC/PTS programs and there are dozens more to choose from. Join up, add to your favourites or put an icon on your desktop by dragging on a links page for each program and visit the sites at intervals through the day and earn a bit each time. It soon adds up.

1. Right click on the log-in page for each program and save a shortcut link to your desktop, or, Add to your Favourites in a new folder, named Daily, for instance. Much easier to remember your daily earning sites by double clicking on the icons or links.

2. Write the address and log-in details for each site in the back of your diary. It is easy to forget your user name and password and you can continue to earn money on another pc when away from home.

3. Get into the habit of regular visits. Most sites will cancel your account if you don't make use of it and any money earned will be lost.

Third, make a web site of your own and get advertisers on it.

The final group of earning programs can be placed on your own web site.
First you need a website with content interesting enough to attract visitors.
Think of a subject that you know a lot about - you, your family, your job, your hobby - whatever it is, focus on it and provide detailed information; facts, figures. Try to make your web site the definitive source of information on your chosen subject.

With a web site designed you need a domain name and a hosting service. It is like an address to the house where your web site lives. I use Easily to buy my domain names and Cirtex to host them, both companies give excellent service and support.

Promote your website using the points earned from working the autosurf, PTS, PTR and PTC you joined above in section two.

Once you have a web site with solid content you have a 'product' to sell. Many of the top programs will not accept you as an affiliate unless you have a web site of substance.

A convenient place to start is TradeDoubler . where you can join up for free to any of dozens of schemes under one 'roof' . All affiliate schemes have a minimum payout limit of around $50 so grouping schemes together as with TradeDoubler . [aimed at European web sites] and Commission Junction [aimed at North America but covering the world] means that you can get a cheque earlier.

Lots of companies would love you to join them as an affiliate and will pay you a commission when your visitors buy some of their products. It makes sense to join up with companies compatible with your site. Amazon sell a lot more than just books now and pay 5% to 7.5% commission by targeting specific books with a link from your site.

Bravenet has a lot of free goodies to add to your web site to attract more visitors and can help in setting up and hosting a web site. They also offer 50mb of free space on their servers to store your password protected back-up files and sensitive data.

The star ad payer is Google Adsense (see ads above and right). They pay for clicks and pay very well and cleverly match their ads to the content of your page and the nationality of the surfer. They are choosey about the sites that can join and demand a reasonable standard of content. Click on the button to sign up...

Slide or Glide In ads are the latest medium and build income fast from your web site. I use GlideNetwork. The small ad windows load onto your page for 15 seconds and then automatically disappear. Rates vary but they pay for CPC and CPM with a payout limit of >$5.00 to Paypal. Not affected by popup killers as yet so impressions are good.

Pop-up windows are better selling tools than banners and will pay you $3 to $4/1000 impressions depending on whether the popup is in front, behind or on exit or all three for $11/1000, the choice is yours. This is the best you will get on the net and they pay monthly without fail. Popup killer browsers will reduce your income but they have introduced a new 'layer' glide in ad when meeting a popup blocker that pays $3 cpm. A busy site will still earn more than the $25 minimum for a cheque to be sent each month.

Remember, these are all free to join; you have no outgoings (apart from HYIP's) other than your normal internet connection which you have anyway. To be perfectly frank, the only downside to these deals is that it takes up your time to organise the links, and your browser and/or web site will run a bit slower while advertising banners load.

The Internet is fast changing - please let us know if a good deal comes along or if you find a crooked deal; contact and we will check it out and give it an unbiased opinion.

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How To Make Money From The Internet

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A guide to the easiest ways of how to make money from the internet armed with a computer and a bank account.

Ways to Get Money from the Internet
The basic way to get money from the Internet is to promote products via ads. These ads are placed on your own website or on someone elses such as a search engine in the form of sponsored ads.

The product might be your own product or someone elses where you participate as an affiliate and receive commissions on sales.

How Much Money Could You Make from the Internet ?
With your own product you would make a profit on each sale based on your sale price minus the cost of materials, shipping and other expenses.

Own Product Example
You market an eBook priced at $49 for download from your website and use a 3rd party payment provider such as ClickBank.

Each month you have 1,000 visitors to your website and a sales conversion rate of 5% so your revenue is $2,450 per month.

Now consider expenses like web hosting at $10 per month and credit-card processing fees of 8% giving costs of $206 per month.

So, in this example your profits are $2,234 monthly.

Affiliate Marketing Example
You have a website about fishing where you review equipment and have product links carrying your affiliate tracking code.

Your website gets 10,000 visitors a month and 10% click on a product link. 10% of these people purchase an average of $100 of merchandise. You get paid 5% commission.

So 1000 people click and 100 buy a product and you are paid 5% of $10,000 in commission.

You only have web hosting costs of $10 per month to deduct.

This nets you $490 per month profit.

Own Product or Affiliate Marketing ?
From the above examples it is clear which is the most profitable approach to take. However, you may struggle to develop your own product, yet you can immediately access 1000's of other people's products via the affiliate marketing route.

The affiliate commission on eBooks is generally far higher than physical goods so you can make good money marketing other people's eBook products rather than developing your own.

For physical products, successful affiliate marketers generally create sites that recommend the products such as sport's equipment. If the price of the products is high, you can make good money.

How to Make as Much Money as Possible
Which ever route is taken you need to balance the following factors for maximum profits:

Maximize Visitors
The more people that see your ads, the more will click and buy. Some ways to maximize visitors are:

Add more content and pages to your website
Optimize your website for search engines
Get more links to your website
Advertise your URL in Google adwords and pay per click search engines
Advertise your URL offline in classified ads
Maximize Click-throughs
Pre-sell products with reviews, articles and related information then provide links in easy to find places.

Maximize Profit
Adjust the selling price to balance sales volumes at the point where maximum profit is produced.

Minimize costs by reducing shipping costs and administration costs. One of the best ways to do this is to market digital products such as software and e-Books that don't require physical shipping.

Maximize commission. Look for large commission percentages and high conversion rates in affiliate partnerships.

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